Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012


Surprise or disbeliefs is :

·       a feeling that we feel when we heard an amazing news which surprised and amazed us
·         an expression that we show/say when we know/hear/see something that rather difficult to believe
·         used to express something that we can’t or impossible.
Surprise is a brief emotional state experienced as the result of an unexpected significant event. Surprise can have any valence; that is, it can be neutral, pleasant, or unpleasant. If a person experiences a very powerful or long lasting surprise it may be considered shock.

Surprise is expressed in the face by the following features:

·         Eyebrows that are raised so they become curved and high.
·         Stretched skin below the eyebrows.
·         Horizontal wrinkles across the forehead.
·         Open eyelids: the upper lid is raised and the lower lid is drawn down, often exposing the white sclera above and below the iris.
·         Dropped jaw so that the lips and teeth are parted, with no tension around the mouth.

To express surprises :

·         Wow! What a surprise!
·         That’s a surprise!
·         (Well), that’s very surprising!
·         Really?
·         What?
·         Are you serious? You must be joking!
·         You’re kidding!
·         Fancy that!
·         I must say it surprises me.
·         I find that hard to believe.

How To Responds Surprises :

·         Yeah!
·         It is.
·         Yup!
·         Sure.
·         It’s true.
·         I’m Serious.
·         No. I’m not.
·         Does it?
·         It is, isn’t it?

Examples :
Puput : Whose motorcycle is that?
Maiia : It’s Redha’s
Puput : Are you kidding me?
Maiia : No, I’m not. 
           I saw her riding that motorcycle this morning. 
Puput : What a surprise!

Intan : How can you say that?
Ella   : Well, that’s the fact.

Disbeliefs is a state of the mind in which one is fully persuaded that an opinion, assertion, or doctrine is not true; refusal of assent, credit, or credence; denial of belief.

To Express Disbelief 

·         I don’t believe it.
·         It can’t be true.
·         I can’t think of it.
·         I don’t trust you.
·         I don’t believe you.
·         I can’t believe this!
·         I didn’t know that.

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