Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012


 Appointmen itu adalah sebuah perjanjian....

 Appointment is to tell us or someone that you will definitely do something.

Making Appointment
-Can I see you at 11 A.M.?
-Will it be convenient if I come at 3 P.M.?
-I’d like you to help me decorate my new kitchen.Would tomorrow be possible?

Approving Appointment
-Sure. That will be fine.
-Great, it’s a perfect time.
-All right, see you there.

Canceling Appointment
-I’m sorry, but I can’t do it.
-I’m afraid not.

Example of appointment:
-I'd like to make an appointment with ...
-I want to make an appointment to see ..
-Can I come and see you?

Nah, itu lah yang dinamakan appointment. Kalau dalam kamus Bahasa Indonesia adalah sebuah perjanjian dimana seseorang ingin bertemu dengan orang lain dalam suatu pertemuan. Sebelum ketemu kan memang harus bikin janji dulu dimana tempat dan waktunya. Sekian postingan sampai disini. Kurang lebihnya saya mohon maaf dan terima kasih. Good bye! :)

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