Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012



Have you looking for information ? Everybody need information. So, how do you get information ? Just waiting for that information come by itself ? I think it's impossible. There's no way the news will come by itself. So, definitely you would asking for information with someone. Now, I will give you the material how to asking for information with someone.

Asking Information there are a number of formulas used when asking for information in English. 

Here are some of the most common:

·         Could you tell me…?
·         Do you know…?
·         Do you happen to know…?
·         I’d like to know…
·         Could you find out…?
·         I’m interested in…
·         I’m looking for..

These two forms are used for asking for information on the telephone:

·         I’m calling to find out…
·         I’m calling about…

Here are some sample phrases and sentences for asking information in English

·         What is this? This is a tableThis is a table
·         What is that? That is a chair.
·         What’s this? It’s a pen.
·         What’s that? It’s an apple.
·         What are these? These are pencils.
·         What are those? Those are books.
·         Where is Mr. King? He is over there.
·         Where is Ms. Knight? She’s (right) here.
·         Where’s Johnny? He’s in the house.
·         When’s the movie? It’s at 9:00.
·         When’s lunch? Lunch is at noon.
·         How is the food? It’s delicious.

Information about company

·         What does your company do?
·         What is your specialty?
·         What do you specialize in?
·         What is your main line of business?

Information about products

·         Could you give me some (more) information on this?
·         What can you tell me about this (product)?
·         Tell me about this one/model.

Information about Price

·         What are you asking for this?
·         What does this sell for?
·         How much is it?
·         How much does it run?

Dialogue : 
Marc : Excuse me. Can you help me? I'm looking for the windsurfing centre.
Eloii   : Ah, yes, the windsurfing centre is at Platja D'aro beach. Do you know the beach?
Marc : Not really, no.
Eloii   : Let me show you on the map. It's here, look.
Marc : Ok. Great. And where's the cinema?
Eloii   : Erm, there's a cinema in Girona, next to the Hospital Bufill.
Marc : Ok, great. Thanks very much. 

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