Sabtu, 01 Desember 2012


Hi... How are you?... Hello... Nice to meet you... Good morning..., ya inilah contoh-contoh dari greetings. Sebuah kata salam yang di ucapkan seseorang kepada orang lain. Saat mereka awal bertemu, saat mereka baru saja berkenalan dan bahkan saat mereka ingin mengakhiri sebuah pertemuan pasti ada kata "Good bye", "See you", dan sebagainya. Itu juga termasuk dalam contoh greetings.

Gretting : - Formal
- Informal
Formal Greetings
• Good Morning (until about lunch time, before 12 a.m)
• Good Afternoon (12-6 p.m)
• Good Evening (until about 9 p.m)
• Good Morning, Sir. Ma’am

Note: Do not use “Good day” excped in Australia

Informal Greetings
• Hi, Lizzy !
• Morning, Jim !
• Hello

~ Initial Greetings
• How are you ? I’m fine thank you
• How’s it doing?
• How are doing?
• How’s life?

* Responding to initial greeting :
- Very well, thank you and how are you?
- I’m good/okay/alright
- Oh, pretty good
- Not too bad, thank’s
- Fine, thank’s
- Excellent

* Pre clossing :
- Ok Then
- I’ve got to go now
- So, I’ll see you next week
- I think I’d be going now?
- I must be going home !

* Clossing / leave taking :
- Good bye (formal/informal)
- Bye-bye, bye; now. See you. Take care
- See you later … Fine
- See you soon … Ok
- See you tonight … All right

• Good night (after 8 p.m or retiring to bed)

good bye guys, sampai bertemu di postingan selanjutnya .. :)

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